Art and Community


In the main focus of the piece Randall places a human figure and a table surrounded by the outline of a longhouse. Randall uses his signature sun and moon styles to add to the human figure. The moon represents isolation, aloneness, and sadness, while the sun represents light, growth, and goodness. Similar to how the writers of the Psalms go from one extreme of loneliness and sorrow to praise and faith; Randall uses the sun and the moon styles to represent that balance.
One of the core messages of Sanctuary Church is acceptance and wherever you are at on your journey, there's a seat at the table for you. So Randall uses the sun and moon style to hit home the message that wherever you find yourself being, either sorrowful and in darkness or full of light and faith, you are welcome at the table.

Another aspect Randall adds is Eagles in the palms of hands of the human figure. Randall explains “I heard an elder once say that eagles are messengers that carry our prayers to Creator". So Randall uses the Eagles in the hands as a metaphor for acting on one’s prayers and being the hands of Jesus, the hands of the father hugging the prodigal son.

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Randall Bear Barnetson

Randall Bear Barnetson is an Indigenous artist that uses painting and design to illustrate contemporary issues of identity and mental health through Northwest coast art. Randall Bear Barnetson is from the community of Nadleh Whut’en, the Dunt'emyoo (Bear clan), and of the Dakelh nation.